Team Creed
For Honour & Glory
As a members of Team Deyi, we pledge to uphold our motto, For Honour & Glory.
Honour entails all team members to possess Integrity, Pride and Sportsmenship. We must always display Humility in victory and Graciousness in defeat. We and our actions are a reflection of the Team and the Team is a reflection of ourselves.
Glory can only be achieve through Dedication, Diligence, Determination and Discipline. We must always remained Focused and Never Give Up. We know that as long as we have given our best, the entire team will be behind us, always.
There is a reason why Honour comes before Glory, because Glory without Honour is just a hollow victory.
We must always remember the above.
Team Philosophy
1. The next 2 points are ours.
2. Aggressive Defence: Defend with Heart
3. Aggressive Offence: Attack with Guts